Sunday, March 17, 2013

City Science Kids Explains How Salt Melts Ice: A Mini-Episode

Nothing melts ice and snow like warm temperatures—and we'll be having a lot more of those when spring begins on March 21 (less than a week away, now!). But you know what else melts ice and snow? Watch this mini-episode and find out!

For a great visual aid for understanding how this works, visit this site and fiddle with the animation, changing the temperature and adding more or less salt. Happy almost-spring everybody!


  1. happy almost-Spring to you too. I hope we don't need to spread any more of those salt molecules around~

  2. Fascinating as always! Who knew that molecules grabbed one another? I suppose some people did, but it's swell for us lay people to know a little more of what goes on under our noses, and feet. I have enjoyed each of these - such welcome windows onto real reality!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've always wondered why the sidewalk is so salty when I lick it!
